HCT is a fully-collateralized, risk-managed stable token for Binance Smart Chain . Start your journey today!

Ride Dynamics

HCT is a fully-collateralized, cryptocurrency-backed stable token for use across Binance Smart Chain DeFi. It's designed to maintain parity with the US dollar (USD) for broad accessibility. Initially, you can mint HCT with bridged USDT or USDC using the Parity Stability Module (PSM). However, new and exciting minting mechanisms like Vaults and Hecta Boost are coming soon! HCT is deployed on Agoric and will act as the native fee token once enabled. Additionally, holders of the Agoric Hecta token (‘the HCTer DAO’) have sovereign governance over the protocol. A recently elected Economic Committee will manage risk parameters, evaluate new collateral types, monitor protocol operations, and respond to process improvement proposals.

25 DEC. 2022

Enjoy low-spread, low-fee trades between HCT and high-quality stable tokens like USDC and USDT.

Coming Soon

Deposit collateral like ATOM to create a Vault and borrow HCT, giving you the freedom to participate in the $10B+ interchain market while holding onto your collateral.

Hecta Boost

Enhance your staked Agoric Hecta tokens by minting HCT against future staking rewards.

Ecosystem Bits



HCT is available to all chains in the growing IBC ecosystem.
Fee Token

Fee Token

HCT is the native fee token for the Agoric chain.

Structural Integrity

The economic protections put in place to support HCT.



Vaults will enable HCT to be over-collateralized, meaning that for each newly minted HCT token, there is a higher amount of collateral backing it. This enables the protocol to factor in the volatility of crypto assets and provides backing for each HCT.


A decentralized oracle network is responsible for monitoring the value of collateral, automatically triggering liquidation if it falls below the set collateralization ratio.
Economic Committee

Economic Committee

Our Economic Committee (EC) is an essential part of Rolik Protocol and the stability of HCT. The EC includes crypto, TradFi, economic, and FinTech experts delegated by Hecta holders to manage the technical-economic parameters of HCT. 
Reserve Pool

Reserve Pool

The Reserve Pool is a fund of diversified cryptocurrencies held by the Hecta as Protocol Controlled Value (PCV). This provides an emergency fund that can cover a shortfall in a major liquidation or extreme market volatility.

Your Voice Matters

Hecta is governed by Agoric Hecta token holders (the HCTer DAO). Owning Hecta enables voting on key governance proposals.